
DisruptX project's photo

Disrupt-X is the Leading Global IoT Solutions Firm, built using: Vue.js, Vuex, Vue Router, Vue I18n and Quasar.

BACT project's photo

Educational platform that provides courses and specializations for students, built using: Vue.js, Vuex, Vue Router, and Vuetify.

Tasqment project's photo

An Agile-Based Project Management System, built using: Vue.js, Element UI, SortableJS, Firebase and Pusher.

Memory Game project's photo

A simple memory game, built using: HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Firebase (for the winning dashboard).

ConFusion project's photo

A restaurant website built in a learning course, built using: HTML, CSS, SCSS, LESS, Bootstrap and Javascript.

Movies App's photo

A Movies App that shows the most popular movies, built using: React, Next.js, Typescript and Styled Components.

Bloggy project's photo

Blog website similar to, built using: Vue.js, Vuex, Vue Router, Element UI and Tailwindcss.